Metrowest Strata Management Division: Consulting Service​​s

Most strata property management companies in BC use a 3 tier system as their businesses model, which incurs huge overhead. Management companies may run with large offices with large expenses, such as large management divisions, large administration divisions, large management salaries and large dividends to their ownership and shareholders. Where does that leave individual property manager?

The individual Property Manager (PM) assigned to a certain complex may be one person in the organization getting the smallest piece for the pie and is forced to take on a large portfolio of buildings, just to make a meager living. Herein lies the rub. Unfortunately, this amount of buildings is too many for the PM to provide adequate service. If you were wondering why you rarely see your PM, that’s why. So where does that leave you, the client?

You are paying good money for an agreed upon service and are not receiving what you are paying for.

Metrowest Strata Management Division has created a property management system that is DIFFERENT. Metrowest Strata Management system allows their managers to provide more hands on, face to face service. Regular site visits, working directly with council on both day to day and future plans. Helping council members understand their roles and responsibilities as council members. Working in a cooperative, transparent and friendly manner to develop strategies to save owners money where possible, to raise the asset value of the property, and run the business of the corporation efficiently are all part of our management philosophy.

The clients will be charged by an hourly rate, not a flat rate for this kind of service as per the detailed contract. In other words, the clients would be charged for what the manager has done.

These services are ideal for those who are self-managed, but require consultant services while needed, including the following:

1. Preparing a specification for the appointment by clients
2. Advice regarding the use of Bylaws/Rules in the administration of a scheme
3. Advice regarding the presentation of Bylaws/Rules to a meeting
4. Advice on obtaining exclusive use rights
5. Assistance in resolving accounting problems
6. Dispute resolution
7. Advice on structuring differential use
8. Advice to Developers on strata scheme setups
9. Provision of independent Chairman for meetings
10. General assistance to Strata Managers